MacKay Municipal Managers Announces Top Five Municipal Market Insights For 2025

BY Business Wire | MUNICIPAL | 01/10/25 09:00 AM EST

PRINCETON, N.J. & LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- MacKay Municipal Managers?, the municipal bond team of specialty fixed income manager MacKay Shields, today lays out its investment view that the market?s traditional, compelling attributes have returned, and participants should capitalize on the opportunity. In its 2025 predictions for the municipal market, MacKay Municipal Managers believes ?the old normal is back? and investors should prepare for it with meaningful municipal allocations.

?After the rapid expansion of other asset classes, household investments in municipals have declined while their allocations to Treasuries and equities are up 75 percent and 87 percent1, respectively,? said Robert DiMella, co-Head of MacKay Municipal Managers. ?For the first time in several years, we see munis providing both an orderly atmosphere and an opportunity to achieve historically higher tax-exempt yields within diversified portfolios.?

MacKay Municipal Managers ? Top Five Municipal Market Insights for 2025

  1. Traditional tax-exemption persists, and we believe it?s as attractive as ever: As the federal government battles a budget deficit, some think the traditional tax exemption of municipal bond income could become a casualty. But at a 2024 cost of just $33 billion,2 it is a small line item compared to the $1.8 trillion deficit, not to mention the exemption?s entrenched support in Washington for infrastructure financing. With the continuation of this benefit, our opinion is that the investor community has an opportunity to correct their underweight exposure to municipals.
  2. Capitalizing on the supply wave will require seizing initiative in multiple ways: Many forecasters have insisted that record levels of new bond issuance in 2024 appear likely to continue in 2025, especially in the first half of the year as the future of tax-exempt interest generates noise in federal budget negotiations.3 We believe active and flexible investment managers have the opportunity to explore certain advantages in this environment by using those overlooked opportunities to allocate to favored credits and sectors, but doing so will require creativity and diligence.
  3. Selection comes to the fore of the investment-grade market: We believe state and local governments will return to a more normal budget environment as federal aid winds down. It is our view that this will create a bifurcation between municipal borrowers which spent that money prudently, and those which will face financial headwinds. We expect state and local political and fiscal tensions to resume in this environment, creating volatility and potential opportunity.
  4. The high yield market is likely to outperform investment grades again, despite historically tight spreads: While we expect certain issuers to face inflection points in their credit cycles, the overall quality of the high yield sector at large remains strong thanks to the effects of economic growth. At the same time, below-investment grade debt has received a meager share of the boom in new municipal bond supply. When allocating into this strength, it is our view that managers must use a research-driven approach to avoid the temptation of reaching for poorly secured deals with far greater risk, which has enticed some investors in the past but is counterproductive to long-term returns.
  5. The front end of the municipal yield curve should outperform cash-like instruments: As the Federal Reserve considers normalizing its interest rate policy through cuts to the Federal Funds rate, the savings deposits and money market funds in which American households are currently holding $14 trillion4 may not be able to offer the incomes they produced in 2023 and 2024. This applies to both taxable and tax-exempt products. Yet, we believe reallocating those assets from cash products into bonds does not necessarily require adding undue risk. We believe short municipal funds will outperform cash products this year, and investors may wish to consider rotating into those funds early enough to outpace what could be a large wave of demand.

?We believe to best leverage this new muni market backdrop, investors need to allocate core investments to borrowers emerging successfully from the era of pandemic aid, buy with conviction in high-yield municipals, and reallocate cash into the shorter segment of the yield curve,? said John Loffredo, co-Head of MacKay Municipal Managers. ?Our team is focused on these three areas and leveraging our tested, research-intensive investment processes to deliver alpha for our clients.?

About New York Life Investments
With over $750 billion in assets under management as of September 30, 2024, New York Life Investments, a Pensions & Investments? Top 30 Largest Money Manager*, is comprised of the affiliated global asset management businesses of its parent company, New York Life Insurance Company, and offers clients access to specialized, independent investment teams through its family of affiliated boutiques. New York Life Investments remains committed to clients through a combination of the diverse perspectives of its boutiques and a long-lasting focus on sustainable relationships.

*New York Life Investment Management was ranked the 26th largest institutional investment manager in Pensions & Investments' Largest Money Managers 2024 published June 2024, based on worldwide institutional AUM as of 12/31/23. No direct or indirect compensation was paid for the creation and distribution of this ranking.

About MacKay Municipal Managers?
MacKay Municipal Managers? is a recognized leader in active municipal bond investing and is entrusted with $82 billion in assets under management, as of September 30, 2024. The team manages a suite of highly rated municipal bond solutions available in multiple vehicles. MacKay Municipal Managers? is a fundamental relative-value bond manager that combines a top-down approach with bottom-up, credit research. Our investment philosophy is centered on the belief that strong long-term performance can be achieved with a relative value, research driven approach in a highly fragmented, inefficient municipal bond market.

About MacKay Shields LLC
MacKay Shields LLC (together with its subsidiaries, "MacKay")*, a New York Life Investments company, is a global asset management firm with $151 billion in assets under management** as of September 30, 2024. MacKay manages fixed income strategies for high-net worth individuals and institutional clients through separately managed accounts and collective investment vehicles including private funds, collective investment trusts, UCITS, ETFs, closed end funds and mutual funds. MacKay provides investors with specialty fixed income expertise across global fixed income markets including municipal bonds, high yield bonds, investment grade bonds, structured credit, and emerging markets debt. The MacKay Shields client experience provides investors direct access to senior investment professionals. For more information, please visit or follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn.

*MacKay Shields is a wholly owned subsidiary of New York Life Investment Management Holdings LLC, which is wholly owned by New York Life Insurance Company. "New York Life Investments" is both a service mark, and the common trade name of certain investment advisers affiliated with New York Life Insurance Company.
**Assets under management (AUM) as of September 30, 2024 represents assets managed by MacKay Shields LLC and its subsidiaries but excludes certain accounts and other assets over which MacKay Shields continues to exercise discretionary authority to liquidate but which are no longer actively managed.

For more insights from MacKay Municipal Managers? and our New York Life Investments affiliates click here.

No products and services provided by MacKay Shields LLC are offered to any person in any jurisdiction where such offering would be contrary to local law or regulation. Nothing herein constitutes investment advice nor should be construed as an offer to buy securities. The contents of this document have not been reviewed by any regulatory authority in any jurisdiction. This material contains the opinions of the MacKay Municipal Managers? team of MacKay Shields LLC but not necessarily those of MacKay Shields LLC. The opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice. This material is distributed for informational purposes only. Forecasts, estimates, and opinions contained herein should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product. Certain information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed. Any forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made and MacKay Shields assumes no duty and does not undertake to update forward-looking statements.

1 According to Federal Reserve data, as of December 2024
2 Estimated by the Joint Committee on Taxation, as of December 2023.
3 According to Lerner, J. Threats to tax-exemption the X factor in 2025 issuance projections, Bond Buyer, as of December 2024.
4 According to Federal Reserve data, as of December 2024.

Source: New York Life Investments

In general the bond market is volatile, and fixed income securities carry interest rate risk. (As interest rates rise, bond prices usually fall, and vice versa. This effect is usually more pronounced for longer-term securities.) Fixed income securities also carry inflation risk and credit and default risks for both issuers and counterparties. Unlike individual bonds, most bond funds do not have a maturity date, so avoiding losses caused by price volatility by holding them until maturity is not possible.

Lower-quality debt securities generally offer higher yields, but also involve greater risk of default or price changes due to potential changes in the credit quality of the issuer. Any fixed income security sold or redeemed prior to maturity may be subject to loss.

Before investing, consider the funds' investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. Contact Fidelity for a prospectus or, if available, a summary prospectus containing this information. Read it carefully.
